Home » Episode 24 :Capturing the Essence of New Zealand: An In-Depth Interview with Landscape Photographer Neil Protheroe

Episode 24 :Capturing the Essence of New Zealand: An In-Depth Interview with Landscape Photographer Neil Protheroe

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Title: Capturing the Essence of New Zealand: An In-Depth Interview with Landscape Photographer Neil Protheroe


Welcome to an enthralling journey through New Zealand’s mesmerizing landscapes in this special episode of “The Photography Junkie.” I’m your host, Jay, and today, we have the privilege of exploring the world of landscape photography with Neil Protheroe, an accomplished photographer whose lens has captured the essence of New Zealand’s South Island. Neil not only showcases the breathtaking scenery but also unveils his passion for photography. Join us as we venture into his world and discover the secrets behind his remarkable journey.

Neil’s Background and Photographic Evolution

Neil’s journey into photography commenced many years ago while he was living in the United Kingdom. His fascination with the natural world, an ever-present thread in his life, found its voice when he picked up a camera. Initially, his lens was trained on family moments and holiday snapshots, but it didn’t take long for him to discover his true calling – capturing the grandeur of landscapes.

The Love Affair with New Zealand

The allure of New Zealand beckoned Neil during a tourist’s escapade, casting a spell that would change the course of his life. The South Island, with its diverse landscapes ranging from rugged mountain ranges to tranquil lakes, left an indelible mark on him. The decision to call New Zealand home was a pivotal moment, marking the inception of Neil’s extensive exploration and photographic love affair with this land.

Approach to Landscape Photography

For Neil, landscape photography transcends the boundaries of mere hobby; it’s a way of life. His photographic approach is deeply technical, likely an echo from his roots in film photography. Neil places utmost importance on capturing the essence of the moment within the frame, focusing on elements like exposure, focus, and composition. He firmly believes in getting as much right in-camera as possible, preserving the authenticity of the moment, and reserving post-processing as a complementary tool rather than the primary driver.

Choosing the Perfect Landscape

Neil’s discerning eye for captivating landscapes is finely tuned. He’s irresistibly drawn to scenes that feature elements like majestic mountains, meandering rivers, and serene lakes. His compositions often feature the elegant curves of S-shaped lines and leading lines that guide the viewer’s gaze. Neil’s preference leans toward the sweeping grandeur of vast vistas over intricate foregrounds, although he readily acknowledges the artistry of photographers who excel in the latter.

Balancing Preservation and Sharing

Neil understands the delicate equilibrium between preserving nature’s beauty and sharing it with the world. As an advocate for responsible photography, he has witnessed firsthand the impact of photography on popular locations. In response, Neil guides tours and workshops, leading participants to lesser-known spots, ensuring that the landscapes remain unspoiled. Education is key, and Neil endeavors to instill a sense of respect for the environment and its cultural significance in all who accompany him on these journeys.

“Picture This.kiwi” Workshops

Neil’s workshops and tours through “Picture This.kiwi” are a testament to his commitment to sharing the magic of New Zealand’s landscapes. These experiences cater to a diverse audience, ranging from private tours for individuals or small groups to meticulously planned workshop itineraries. What sets Neil apart are his unique social photography weekends that blend photography, stunning scenery, and a sense of community. Whether participants seek to hone their skills or savor the experience, Neil ensures that each journey is both memorable and educational.

Technology and AI in Photography

Technology, particularly AI, has ushered in a new era in photography. While some photographers rely heavily on post-processing and AI tools, Neil adheres to his principle of getting it right in-camera. His technical precision, honed over years of film photography, serves as his guiding light. However, he does appreciate the creative possibilities that AI offers, especially for certain effects and enhancements. Neil also raises a valid concern – the potential for copyright abuse as technology advances, underscoring the importance of protecting one’s work in the digital age.

Licensing and Pricing

Licensing is an integral aspect of a photographer’s career, and Neil approaches it with careful consideration. His pricing model takes into account various factors, including the intended use of the image, the duration of the license, and the extent of distribution. While Neil maintains flexibility in his pricing, he recognizes the significance of images in his personal portfolio, which often translates into a price that reflects their personal value. The delicate balance between protecting copyright and allowing the responsible sharing of his work is a testament to Neil’s commitment to the art.

Advice for Aspiring Photographers

As we near the conclusion of our insightful conversation, Neil offers sage advice to aspiring photographers. He encourages them to run their race and focus on their unique journey. Comparison with others should be secondary to self-expression and enjoyment. Success in photography, he underscores, requires dedication, practice, and patience. Above all, Neil’s parting words resonate deeply – never stop exploring and discovering new perspectives, for the world of photography is as vast and boundless as the landscapes he captures.


Neil Protheroe’s journey through the world of landscape photography, intertwined with his profound connection to New Zealand’s enchanting landscapes, is a source of inspiration. His technical precision, unwavering commitment to responsible photography practices, and advocacy for preserving the natural world are a testament to his artistry and values. As technology evolves, Neil remains steadfast in protecting his work and championing ethical photography. This interview has offered a glimpse into the world of a remarkable photographer, and if you ever find yourself in New Zealand, consider joining one of Neil’s workshops to witness the magic of landscape photography firsthand.

For more information on Neil Protheroe and his work, visit Neil’s website https://neilprotheroe.com/and PictureThis.kiwi. Stay tuned for more captivating photography discussions on “The Photography Junkie.”