A Statement About The Use Of Ai
Hey There Jay here
In the guise of wanting to be completely transparent I wanted to release a statement about the Use of Ai on the site.
Now i know that it may be a little controversial to some but let us just rip the plaster off now.
Yes i do use some Ai on the site.
As someone with Asperger’s Syndrome as well as Dyslexia it is my goal to put myself in a position where i am not going to burn out and the content i produce is legible.
Eventually when the site is earning enough money i will employ writers but at the time of writing there is just one person doing everything.
Yes Me!
So naturally I need some tools to help me in the process of bringing content to you on a regular basis
Meet Junkie Tog

Junkie Tog is the name i have given to a collection of Ai tools.
At the time of writing those tools consist of Chat GPT and Midjourney
For those not in the know these are two tools that aide in the creation of text and Images
About the role of Junkie Tog within The Photography Junkie
When dealing with AI there are a multitude of things that you can get it to do and it can be a scary place to get to.
One of the things is you can get it to just auto generate content which is largely just to attract clicks to a website in order to serve you a million adverts.
This practice i strongly disagree with.
The practice i find disingenuine and misleading and i do not wish to mislead my audience (hence this statement living on the website)
The way i view Junkie Tog is more of an assistant / Writer.
The way i view myself is that of the Host and Editor of a photography magazine style blog.
Now to wear all the hats that it takes to run that would have even the most dedicated to burn out.
So as an editor i see my job as to give assignments to Junkie Tog
That assignment will be generally article writing and sometimes helping with my script.
When it comes to article writing i set it an assignment of what i want it to write and what content i want it to include and it will then deliver that product i ask for.
Now here is where the difference in having auto generated content and what happens on the site.
That content is then manually reviewed by myself and if it is not good enough or interesting enough Junkie Tog is sent back to do it again.
Content is not just spewed onto the page it has to hit a certain quality mark and that is that it is interesting, Factually correct and relevant to the site.
I will never pass off the work of Junkie Tog as my own and where Junkie Tog has supplied the article or the image then they will be credited as such.
Of course there will be some of you that will be put off by any mention of Ai and that is okay I do value your opinion and respect your choice to go elsewhere for your content.
For the rest of you who welcome interesting content and do not care who it is written by so long as it is interesting then The Photography Junkie has your back!